Da, stiu, am inceput sa nu mai scriem asa des pe blog. Deja am fost ,,urecheati'' de fani:)). Asa se intampla cand obisnuiesti lumea cu standarde ridicate...trebuie sa te ridici la nivelul asteptarilor permanent:). Am inceput sa fim si noi tot mai aglomerati plus ca nici ,,noutatile'' nu mai apar la fel de des ca la inceputul perioadei noastre in SUA. Pentru ca acum ceva timp Andreea a postat parerile ei la 3 luni de America, m-am gandit sa scriu si eu ceva asemanator. Trebuie sa va spun de la inceput ca Andreea este cea care s-a adaptat mai repede si ii place mai mult aici. Eu ma adaptez mai greu si nu sunt la fel de incantat de ceea ce vad aici. Asta nu inseamna ca este rau, doar ca poate aveam alte asteptari...poate ca asteptarile erau prea mari:).
Ideile sunt brute si este efectiv ce imi vine in minte acum. Sa incepem:
Imi place ca per total sistemul pare ca functioneaza si se invarte in jurul individului, al cetateanului platitor de taxe.
Imi place ca nu simti frustrarea in interactiunea cu institutiile statului, in toate formele ei de prezentare.
Nu imi place ca la inceput sistemul e inchis, nu e accesibil din prima de catre noii veniti.
Nu imi place ca distantele sunt mari aici intre orice ( acasa-servici, acasa-magazin, acasa- diferite obiective de distractie sau relaxare, etc).
Imi place ca lucrurile de baza sunt ieftine si scutite de taxe.
Imi place ca exista un respect pentru om in general, pentru cei care lucreaza in slujba celorlalti in special ( politisti, pompieri, doctori, profesori, etc).
Imi place ca cei enumerati mai sus chiar lucreaza pentru ceilalti.
Nu imi place ca sunt si destul de multi ,,tarani''. Ma asteptam sa fie mai multa civilizatie.
Nu imi place ca drumurile nu sunt ca in palma ca in multe state europene. Totusi sunt mai bune ca in Romania.
Nu imi place ca la inceput nu ai viata sociala aproape deloc.
Imi place ca lumea e saritoare si dornica sa te ajute.
Imi place ca de multe ori, daca dovedesti buna credinta, poti fi iertat la prima greseala.
Nu imi place ca fac o ora dus si o ora intors de acasa pana la serviciu.
Nu imi place ca nu pot sa vad meciurile de fotbal ( soocer cum se zice pe aici:)).
Imi place ca am New York, Washington si Atlantic City la maxim 2 ore distanta.
Nu imi place ca oamenii se imbraca oricum pe strada. Nu sunt eu un fashion icon insa nici sa mergi la supermarket in slapi de casa si pijamale nu mi se pare normal.
Nu imi place ca tre' sa vad fundul ,, smecherilor'' care adopta stilul gangsta. Cei care poarta pantalonii in vine.
Imi place ca sunt multe magazine cu mancarea europeana si poti pastra multe obiceiuri culinare din Romania. In zona noastra cele mai populare sunt magazinele rusesti si cele nemtesti.
Nu imi place ca e distanta mare intre ele. Acum 3 zile Andreea a mers la cateva cumparaturi, de genul hrana rece, legume, fructe si alte cateva maruntisuri si a trebuit sa mearga la 3 magazine. A durat cu totul 2 ore.
Imi place ca aici reducerile sunt reduceri. Am putut sa iau lucruri si cu 70% reducere. E ceva sa iei cu 20$ ceva care costa in mod normal 65$.
Nu imi place ca marimi normale in Europa, de genul S sau M, aici sunt o raritate. In schimb exista in fiecare magazin care se respecta un raon mare ,,Big and tall''...e mai mult pentru cei big :)).
Imi place ca sunt multe oportunitati de petrecere a timpului liber.
Nu imi place ca nu prea ai timp sa te bucuri de ele.
Nu imi place ca nu am cu cine sa joc fotbal.
Imi place ca pot sa vad si eu live un meci de baschet din NBA sau de hochei in NHL.
Nu imi place ca sistemul medical este scump. De asemenea si o asigurare medicala este scumpa si nu ofera gratuitate asa cum se intampla in Romania.
Nu imi place ca sistemul de invatamant este scump.
Imi place ca apartamentul in care stam e mai mare ca cel din Brasov. In general apartamentele si casele sunt mai mari ca si suprafata.
Scorul este 14- 14:))...conteaza si importanta fiecarui acest imi place/nu imi place dar nu intram acum in detalii.
O sa incerc sa updatez periodic lista asta:).
Sa ne auzim cu poate mai des:)
Imi place ca nu sunt caini vagabonzi. Deloc. Gasesti in schimb veverite si caprioare :)
Imi place politica de returnare a produselot fara sa puna intrebari. Primesti inapoi fie bani, fie alt produs. Alegerea este a ta. Noi tot timpul am ales banii :). Este mult mai relaxant sa cumperi ceva pe care stii ca il poti duce inapoi daca nu se potriveste sau nu iti mai place. Trebuie doar sa pastrezi chitanta sau eticheta pe produs. Insa chiar si fara aceste se pot gasi rezolvari atata timp cat se poate demonstra ca produsul este cumparat din magazinul respectiv.
Yeah I know we started not to write that often on the blog.
We started to be more busy and the news and updates doesn’t show up everydayJ. Because Andreea post a while
ago her likes and dislike I think it’s time for my viewJ. I have to tell you from the beginning that
Andreea adapted much quicker and easier . I find it more difficult. That
doesn’t mean that I hate everything here…is just I had higher expectations…maybe
to high.
The ideas are exactly what comes to
mind now. Let’s startJ
I like that generally the system works and the individual is
the center of everything.
I like that I don’t feel the frustration when I interact
with public institutions.
I don’t like that the system is ,,closed’’ in the beginning.
It is not accessible for all the new comers.
I don’t like that the distances are big between everything (
home – work, home – stores, home – downtown, etc)
I like that basic stuff like food and clothes are tax free.
I like that there is a respect for the others in general and
especially for those that works for the others ( police, fireman, doctors, etc)
I like that those really work for the others.
I don’t like that there are a lot of ,,big shots’’. I was
expecting for people to be more civilized.
I don’t like that the roads are not that smooth like in many
European cities. Yet they are still better than Romania.
I don’t like that in the beginning you lack social life.
I like that people are nice and helpful.
I like that many times if you can prove good faith you can
be forgiven at your first mistake.
I don’t like that I have to travel one hour from home to
I don’t like that I can not see football games ( soccer as
they say here).
I like that I have New York, Washington, Atlantic City at 2
hour drive, maximum.
I don’t like that people just dress anyhow on the street. I
am not a fashion icon but to go shopping in your pajamas and slippers is not
I don’t like that I have to see the asses of those who dress
gangsta style. The ones with their pants dropped down to their knees.
I like that there are a lot of stores with European food and
you can keep your gastronomic custom. In
our area most popular are the Russian and the German stores.
I don’t like that the distances between stores are big.
Three days ago Andreea did some shopping , grocery and stuff, and had to go to
3 stores. It took about 2 hours.
I like that the discounts are for real. I bought things that
were 70% discount. It’s nice to pay 20$ for something that normally costs 65$.
I don’t like that popular sizes in Europe like S or M here
are rare here. But every cloth store has big isle with ,,Big and tall’’
more for the big ones.
I like that you have a lot of ways to spend your free time.
I don’t like that I don’t have too much free time.
I don’t like that I don’t have anybody to play football
I like that I can see an NBA or NHL game live.
I don’t like that medical system is expensive. Also a health
insurance is expensive and the medical expenses are not free even if insured.
I don’t like the educational system is expensive.
I like that our apartment is bigger than In Brasov. In
general apartments are bigger than in Romania.
And we have a tie 14 – 14….ok, it matters also the importance
of each aspect above but let’s not go
into details nowJ
I will try to update this list periodically.
All the best!
I like that there are no street dogs. None.
I like the return policy in US with no questions asked. You get back cash or store credit, it's up to you. We always chose cash. It's much relaxing to buy something that you know you can return if it does;t fit, work or just don't like. You have to keep the receipt or the tag. But even if you don't have this there are ways to solve things out as long as you can prove you bought the item from that store.
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