Toata saptamana care a trecut a fost cuprinsa de febra Superbowl. Este aproape ca o religie. Americanii sunt mari fani ai fotbalului american, de fapt singurul fotbal pentru ei (cel european se cheama soccer), iar finala acestui sport nu putea sa nu fie extrem de populara. Nu sunt eu un foarte mare admirator, insa am decis ca anul asta sa ma uit la Superbowl. Trebuie sa intru in rand cu lumea :). Pentru cei interesati anul acesta joaca New England Patriots cu Seattle Seahawks. La ora la care scriu postarea mai sunt 20 de minute pana incepe meciul. Nu cred ca in Romania sau alte tari europene sunt prea multi fani ai acesui sport, si de aceea m-am gandit sa scriu doar ceea ce m-a surprins pe mine citind despre acest Superbowl. Meciul se joaca anul asta in Phoenix Arizona, iar pretul unui bilet este in medie 5 000$.Evident ca fiind atat de popular totul s-a transformat intr-o mare afacere. Un spot de 30 de secunde in pauza meciului costa 4 milioane de dolari. Un minut de reclama, 8 milioane de dolari. De ce? Simplu. Anul trecut a fost cel mai urmarit eveniment TV cu 111.5 milioane de oameni care s-au uitat la meci. Anul asta se preconizeaza ca va fi batut acest record :). Anul trecut showul a durat cu totul aproape 4 ore iar minute efective de joc cu mingea in miscare...17 minute:). Mai jos aveti si o impartire conform masuratorilor din 2014:
Mingea in joc - 17 minute si 30 secunde
Reluari - 23:46
Minute de joc fara minge - 72:00
Reclame - 48:34
Promo emisiuni TV - 7:30
Show in pauza meciului - 12:28
Analiza meciului la pauza - 4:52
Diverse - 16:37.
Chiar daca tot mai multi se plang de faptul ca e prea putin sport si prea multa reclama, reclamele din pauza Superbowl-ului devin incet incet la fel de populare ca si meciul in sine. Ajuta si faptul ca datorita audientei, companiile nu isi permit sa difuzeze decat reclame excelente. Pentru cei interesati aveti mai jos topul din 2014:
1. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
2. Budweiser’s “Puppy Love”
3. Go Daddy’s “Bodybuilder”
4. Doritos’s “Cowboy Kid”
5. Toyota Highlander’s “Terry Crews & the Muppets”
6. Doritos’s “Time Machine” (1st Quarter)
7. RadioShack’s “Phone Call” (1st Quarter)
8. Oikos Greek Yogurt’s “The Spill”
9. Bud Light’s “Up for Whatever #2”
10. Squarespace’s “A Better Web Awaits”
Pe final 2 picanterii:).
- Incercand sa-i explice Andreei la scoala ce este Superbowl, un coleg i-a spus ca e ceva asemanator cu finala campionatului mondial de fotbal:). Cat tupeu si imperialism:)).
- Imi povestea o cunostinta ca incepe sa-i placa tot mai mult soccerul in dauna fotbalului american dintr-un simplu motiv: soccer nu are reclame. Era extaziat ca se poate uita la meci 45 de minute fara sa fie intrerupt de reclame:))
A inceput meciul de 10 minute. E 0-0. Deja s-au dat vreo 10 reclame:))
Update 1:
S-a terminat meciul. New England Patriots - Seattle Seahawks 28 - 24.
Update 2 :)
Si a iesit si topul reclamelor pentru Superbowl 2015. Aveti mai jos linkul:
Superbowl 2015 best commercials
This last week was all about the Superbowl. It's almost like a religion. Most Americans are huge fans of their American football, actually is the only football, the European one is called soccer, and the final couldn't be anything else but popular. I am not the biggest fan but this year I decided to watch it. I have to keep up. For those interested this year the Superbowl is between New England Patriots and Seattle Superhawks. At the time I am writing this post there are only 20 minutes till the start of the game. I don't think that in Romania or any other European country are too many fans of this game so I will write about what surprised me when reading about Superbowl. The final is played in Arizona and the average price of a ticket is 5 000$.
Obviously that all the popularity made all this a big business opportunity. A 30 seconds commercial spot at halftime is about 4 million dollars. One minute is 8 million. Why? Easy. Last year was the most watched TV event in history with 11.5 millions viewers.This year is believed the record will be beaten. Last year the whole show lasted about 4 hours but the game with ball in play was...17 minutes. Below you can see an interesting statistic:
Ball in play - 17 minutes 30 seconds
Replay - 23:46
Game with ball not in play - 72:00
Commercials - 48:34
TV show promo: 7:30
Halftime show - 12:28
Halftime analysis: 4:52
Miscellaneous: 16:37
Even if a lot of people are complaining about the fact that we have less sport and more business, the halftime commercials are getting more and more popular. Of course that at this audience the commercials are among the best ones. Here are the best commercials from 2014: see videos above.
In the end 2 funny things:
- At school trying to explain to Andreea about the Superbowl, one colleague describe it as something just like the World Cup in football. The nerve:)
- a guy from work was telling me that he starts to like soccer more lately for one simple reason. No commercial. He was thrilled that he can watch 45 minutes of the match without any interruption.
The game started. After 10 minutes is 0-0. There were already about 10 commercials.
Update 1:
The game is finished. New England Patriots - Seattle Superhawks 28 - 24
Update 2:
The 2015 best commercials from the Superbowl are out. Below the link:
2015 Superbowl best commercials
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